Lesley Tsina


Hey everyone - I'm Lesley. I started at UCB-LA in 2005 and have been on two Harold teams (The Galleria and Hugboat) and two Maude Teams (Paddington and Extreme Tambourine.) I currently perform with Tournament of Nerds and do improv around town with my team Slave Leia and my two-person team, Hope and Glory. Past indie teams include I Can Haz Ringwurmz and Münchhausen.

I'm a big fan of the La Ronde and the Monoscene, but I'm down to coach whatever form you're interested in, or just do scenework.

I've taken classes with Matt Besser, Ian Roberts, Matt Walsh, Andy Daly, Sean Conroy, Seth Morris, Billy Merritt, Chad Carter, Christina Gausas, Eliza Skinner, Dannah Phirman, Dave Hill, and Derek Miller. I've performed at the Del Close Marathon, Sonoma Laughfest, the San Francisco Improv Festival and SF Sketchfest.

I also coach and direct solo performance if you're in need of that. I've done multiple solo and fringe festivals in the US and Canada and studied with Brian Finkelstein and Lauren Weedman.

Hit me up!


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